Association of Jungian Analysts in Poland




This Code of Ethics concerns the setting of basic ethical rules relating to analyst’ behaviour in their relationship with patients. This Code of Ethics also sets basic rules for dealing with complaints and for breaching the Code of Ethics.

All members of GM of Poland are responsible for conducting themselves according to the Code of Ethics.



  1. This Code of Ethics binds all Members of the GM of Poland. Maintenance of membership of any status in the GM of Poland requires continued adherence to this Code of Ethics. (even when fees remain unpaid)
  2. Members are required to conduct themselves according to the highest ethical standards in their work and shall hold the interest of their patients to be
  3. Members are to follow a policy of non-discrimination based on race, religion, ethnic origin, gender and sexual orientation.
  4. Members are required to disclose their qualifications when requested and not claim or imply qualifications that they do not have.
  5. All Members should be familiar with this Code of Ethics. Breach of any of its rules constitutes serious.



Responsibility to Patients.

  1. Members shall provide an appropriate, safe and consistent working environment and shall maintain clear

This means that:

  • At the start of the treatment a Member shall state clearly to the patient the terms and conditions of the treatment, e.g. treatment schedule, frequency of sessions, and fee The Member shall ensure that these terms and conditions are maintained. He/she must give adequate notice of any changes or planned breaks.
  • The member should consider whether his/her approach to the work is appropriate for a particular patient and should make appropriate referrals at any stage of the work if that appears to be in the patient’s
  • Referrals should be made responsibly, and the Member must tell the patient, as deemed appropriate, the grounds on which the referral is
  • A Member must not work with any of his/her relatives or friends nor, if possible, with anyone closely connected with an existing
  • Members shall not enter into financial dealings with any patient other than those concerned with professional
  • Social contact during and after
  • During therapy, the Member must exercise restraint concerning social contacts with the patient. Social contact with any relative of a patient should be approached with great caution.
  • After therapy, the Member should keep in mind the possible continuation of transference and counter-transference issues and use discretion in any social
  • Abuse of the patient’s dependent status, whether of a psychic, sexual, emotional, political, religious, social or financial nature, must not occur, even if the patient should express a wish to engage in activities that might lead to abuse of the patient’s dependent status. For example, a Member should not enter into a sexual relationship with any patient.
  1. A Member shall not continue to practice analysis when severely or persistently impaired:
  • by the use of alcohol or drugs, or
  • by a physical or psychological condition which would diminish his/her ability to practice and exercise adequate skill and judgement. In such a situation, a Member must ensure appropriate referral of current patients and seek professional and/or psychotherapeutic help as appropriate.
  1. If a Member is convicted of any serious criminal offence or has findings brought against him/her by a professional body or licensing agency in the state or country in which he/she resides or works, it is his/her duty to inform the President of the Group Member of the proceedings, together with the relevant
  2. Where appropriate, Members should consult medical and psychiatric practitioners concerning patients. Responsibility for a patient’s medical welfare must be held by a medically qualified.


  1. Confidentiality is essential to the therapeutic relationship, and when a conflict of interests arises, the first responsibility of a Member is to the welfare of the patient. Members are required to disclose if requested, any limits to confidentiality and any circumstances under which it might be broken, to specific third parties.
  1. Confidentiality and the preservation of a patient’s anonymity are of primary importance. Particular care must be taken both in the publication of clinical material and in the presentation of clinical material at clinical seminars, especially with current patients. A Member is required to safeguard the welfare and anonymity of patients when any form of publication of the patient’s material is being considered and to obtain the patient’s consent whenever possible. Discretion should also be exercised in the case of professional
  2. If a Member wishes to be involved in any research project which involves the use of patient’s material, the Member must adhere to the same principles as in B (2), above. A Member is required to clarify with the patient the nature, purpose and conditions of any research in which the patient is to be involved; the Member must ensure that informed and verifiable consent is obtained before
  3. A Member must not make audio or visual recordings of a patient, nor use, nor permit observation of the patient through, a one-way screen or mirror, without the patient’s
  4. Members must obtain the patient’s permission when there is a need to speak to another professional such as a supervisor or psychiatrist. Exceptions may have to be made in certain circumstances, such as:
  • Where there appears to be a possibility of violence from the patient to him/herself, to the Member, or a third party, or
  • In the management of a patient who becomes psychotic or needs to be

All exceptions must be carefully considered and, whenever possible, made in consultation with a colleague or colleagues. Members must be prepared to demonstrate that the exception is justifiable.

10. Members must exercise discretion at all times concerning patients, e.g., they must not speak casually about patients.

  1. Members and trainees may be exempt from confidentiality rules in situations where Poland’s legislation requires this.



  1. Members should accurately represent their competence, education, training and experience relevant to their
  2. Members may advertise services. However, advertising must be limited to a statement of the name, address, qualifications and type of therapy offered. Such statements should be descriptive and not evaluative.
  3. Use of the media should not in any way bring the Group Member or the profession into disrepute.



  1. A Member should neither speak ill, professionally or personally, of a colleague or group of colleagues nor misrepresent a colleague or group of colleagues to a patient, potential patient or member of the public. Deliberate falsehood about a colleague is unethical. It may be necessary to criticise colleagues, but this should be done with care and truthfulness; opinion and fact should be distinguished.
  2. A Member should not enter into an on-going analytical/psychotherapeutic relationship with a patient who is currently seeing a colleague unless such is done with the knowledge and consent of the colleague.
  3. When making public statements or undertaking public commitments, a Member must make clear whether he/she acts in a personal capacity or on behalf of the GM.
  4. Members are required to refrain from any behaviour or comments that may be detrimental to colleagues, to the Society, or the profession. Members are expected to take appropriate action with regard to the behaviour of a colleague which is, or is likely to be detrimental to a patient, to other colleagues, to the Society, or the profession.
  5. Analyst publishing and presenting their work should honesty give credit for the contribution of other analysts. Plagiarism of the work of others is strictly forbidden, both in publications and presentations.



A Member shall ensure that those working under his/her direct supervision be aware of, and comply with, this Code of Ethics. The Member will ensure that those working under his/her direct supervision shall not exceed the limits of their competence. The supervising Member shall respect the integrity of the relationship that is established with the supervisee and shall not take advantage of his/her higher authority to become sexually or financially involved with someone he/she is to teach, evaluate, grade, promote, or recommend for promotion.




  1. On-going Training

Generally, Members are required to maintain their ability to perform competently and to take the necessary steps to do so. This includes notably keeping abreast of current clinical and theoretical advances in our field. In particular, each Member is expected to maintain a programme of on-going professional training, involving supervision, reading group attendance and attending professional seminars and lectures. The fundamental element here is reasonably frequent participation in discussions with other, usually senior practitioners, involving client material and client problems. Mere solitary reading or academic study is not sufficient for this requirement. This technical contact with colleagues helps avoid undetected limitations in the analyst’s understanding and practice.


  1. Physical and Mental Health

Members are required to maintain their physical and mental health for the sake of their well-being and to provide the best possible service to patients.



    1. Responsibility of a Member in seeking help and reporting unprofessional conduct. It is the responsibility of a Member to report his/her unprofessional conduct to the President of Group Member. Self-reporting will not, in and of itself, relieve the Member of his/her responsibility for his/her misconduct, nor will it avoid disciplinary action of the Complaints Committee.
    2. When a Member is concerned about unethical behaviour of a colleague, (and this concern is based upon substantial evidence), he/she should first meet with the colleague and try to convey his/her concern about the behaviour. If the concerned Member is unable to do this directly and/or needs to maintain confidentiality, he/she may contact the Chair of the Group Ethics Committee. Whenever a Member has been met by a colleague and continues the behaviour, or denies all wrongdoing, or refuses to meet, it is the responsibility of the concerned Member to inform the Chair of the Group Ethics Committee.
    3. The bodies of the Association included in the handling of a complaint are: The General Meeting of the AJAP, The Ethics Committee of the AJAP (hereinafter EC)
    4. Anyone may file a complaint against a member of the AJAP for violation of the Code of Ethics or due to any other ethical misconduct. One may do so by writing to the Chair of the EC (if the complaint relates to the Chair of the EC, the Chair of the EC is dismissed from handlings in conjunction with the complaint in question. Another member of the EC will address the complaint, the EC will vote a temporary Chair of the EC by a simple majority vote. The temporary Chair steps down after reaching a verdict regarding the complaint in question).
    5. The Chair of the EC will ask the complainant to supply a written permission, that the respondent, at whom the complaint is directed, can be informed about the complaint and that the respondent may provide the EC with facts of otherwise discreet nature, and can deliver materials, such as his personal notes, documentation, supervision reports, personal correspondence, e-mail communication, etc. to an extent adequate to the complaint.
    6. EC shall deal with the complaint on its earliest meeting possible, not later than 60 days from the complaint delivery. EC calls on an analyst, who is reported for unprofessional conduct, to respond to a complaint by a complainant at least 14 days in advance. Both a complainant and a respondent have the right to comment on the complaint. If they do not comment personally, they have the right to do so in a written form. The EC may initialise a meeting between the complainant and the respondent if deemed appropriate, and both parties are in agreement. Such a meeting will be facilitated and mediated by the EC.
    7. The complainant and the respondent have the right to request exclusion of any member of the EC from being included in the handlings of the complaint. Such a request has to be reasonably explained, adequately justified and submitted in writing to the EC. The EC decides upon the exclusion of a member by a majority vote of the remaining members of the EC. If a complaint is directed against any member of the EC, the member in question is automatically disqualified from procedures regarding the complaint.
    8. Unless it is clear from the complaint what it regards and who it addresses, the EC may decide to set the complaint aside and not to pursue it.
    9. The EC is to give the notion hearing on its meeting and based on ascertained facts decides on further handling of the case.
    10. Within its scope, the EC may especially recommend this procedure to the General Meeting (more than one option can be recommended):
      1. notification about having discussed the matter with no finding of misconduct by an AJAP member,
      2. admonishing the AJAP member, delivering an explanation regarding the grounds of the Code of Ethics that have been violated.
      3. imposing the obligation of an apology
      4. imposing the requirement for the AJAP member, against whom the complaint is directed, to undergo supervision by an approved experienced colleague. The supervisor and the length and frequency of supervision will be set out in an AJAP EC meeting,
      5. imposing the obligation for the AJAP member, against whom the complaint is directed, to seek therapy from an approved, experienced colleague or seek an independent medical or psychological examination and treatment approved by the AJAP EC,
      6. recommend expelling the member from the AJAP to the General meeting The EC recommends the procedure to the General meeting with regard to the gravity of the AJAP member’s misconduct.


  1. In the case of a) to e) of the preceding paragraph, the Chair of the EC shall present a duly reasoned verdict to the complainant, the respondent and the President of the AJAP. The complainant can appeal against the ruling of the EC to the General Meeting. An appeal has to be presented in writing to the General Meeting. Otherwise, the respondent is obliged to follow the verdict without any delay.
  2. If the verdict of the EC is to expel a member of the AJAP, or if the respondent does not follow the verdict, the Chair of the EC shall recommend expulsion of the member to the General Meeting of the AJAP. The Board of the AJAP is obliged by the Constitution of the AJAP to initiate and coordinate, without any delay, a General Meeting that will be deciding on the matter stated above.
  3. Expulsion of a member of the AJAP may be exercised in case of behaviour in gross violation of the Code of Ethics of the AJAP or case of severe damage to the reputation of the AJAP.
  4. Expulsion of a member of the AJAP is decided upon by two-thirds majority vote of the General Meeting. The President of the AJAP notifies the complainant, respondent. The decision of expulsion comes into force upon notification of the respondent.
  5. If the complaint is found to be well-grounded, the General Meeting of AJAP has a right to information about the complaint and about the result of the examination other professional associations where the respondent is a member according to his profession/qualification. Upon expulsion of an AJAP member, the Board of the Association report´s this event to the IAAP. Expulsion from membership in AJAP of a member who is reported for unprofessional conduct sooner than the examination is terminated does not have any impact on solving the complaint. Until the complainant takes the complaint back, the General meeting shall examine it even in the case the analyst is not a member of AJAP anymore.
  6. The resignation of a person complained against from membership in the AJAP does not in itself prevent the final resolution of an ethics complaint.
  7. The proceedings should remain confidential, and the identity of the person complained against should be released only in accordance with procedures mentioned in points 12 and 15 or when required by situations specified by the Law of the Republic of Poland.


The Group Member shall be responsible for arranging to review this Code of Ethics from time to time to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of patients, the Society and the profession.


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