Constitution of the Association of Jungian Analysts in Poland (AJAP)

The Association of Jungian Analysts is a Association of persons with appropriate qualifications to conduct Jungian psychotherapy and analysis (psychoanalysis). Jungian analysis and psychotherapy are based on the assumptions of analytical psychology founded by Carl Gustav Jung. Analytical psychology has been continued and developed by the successors of Carl Gustav Jung.

Chapter 1

General provisions

Art. 1

  1. The Association shall use the following name: Stowarzyszenie Analityków Jungowskich. The Association shall use the name: Association of Jungian Analysts in Poland in foreign contacts.
  2. Whenever the term “Association” is used in the Bylaws, it shall apply to the Association of Jungian Analysts in Poland.

Art. 2

  1. The Association shall act pursuant to the provisions of the “Law on Societies” act dated April 7, 1989 (Dz. U. [Journal of Laws] of 2001, No. 79, item 855, as amended), the “On Public Benefit and Voluntary Work” act dated April 24, 2003 (Dz. U. [Journal of Laws] No. 96, item 873, as amended), the “Regulations Introducing the Act on Public Benefit and Volunteer Work” act dated April 24, 2003 (Dz. U. [Journal of Laws] No. 96, item 874, as amended), and the provisions of these Bylaws.
  2. The Association shall have perpetual existence.

Art. 3

The Association shall operate in the Republic of Poland, with domicile in Warsaw.

Art. 4

The Association shall become a legal entity upon coming into force of the decision about registration.

Art. 5

The Association shall use a seal stating the following: Stowarzyszenie Analityków Jungowskich.

Chapter 2

Objectives of the Association and ways of their implementation

Art. 6

The objectives of the Association shall be:

  1. Promotion of analytical psychology in Poland and abroad.
  2. Providing various forms of support for Jungian analysts, trainees in analytical psychology and those interested in broadening their knowledge of Jungian analysis.
  3. Fostering a friendly atmosphere and creating opportunities for research and ongoing education.
  4. Monitoring compliance with ethical standards in therapeutic and analytical work, as well as in relations between members of the Association.
  5. Integration of the Jungian psychoanalytic community in Poland.
  6. Supporting and participating in the activities of the International Association for Analytical Psychology.


Art. 7

The objectives of the Association shall be implemented by way of:

  1. The organisation of events and educational activities related to analytical psychology addressed to various social and professional groups.
  2. Issuing documents certifying competences in the field of analytical psychology and psychotherapy.
  3. Supporting professional development in the field of clinical practice.
  4. Conducting publishing activities.
  5. Providing legal and professional assistance to members of the Association.
  6. Participation in professional organizations uniting psychotherapeutic and psychoanalytical associations.
  7. Cooperation with the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP).

Chapter 3

Members, their rights and duties

Art. 8

  1. The Association shall consist of the following classes of members:
    1. Ordinary members
    2. Extraordinary members
    3. Honorary members
    4. Supporting members
    5. Senior members
  2. Regular membership in the Association shall only be accessible to Jungian analysts who hold a certificate issued by the IAAP or a certificate issued by any other Jungian institute recognised by the IAAP.
  3. Extraordinary membership shall be accessible to persons who have completed training in analytical psychology and hold a psychotherapist certificate.
  4. Honorary membership of the Association may be granted to persons with a significant contribution to the development of analytical psychology.
  5. Natural and legal persons who have declared their support to the Association may become supporting members.
  6. 6. Senior members are ordinary members who have reached the age of 70 or members who have reached the age of 70 and who meet the conditions for obtaining ordinary membership.

Art. 9

  1. A member of the Association may be a natural person with full legal capacity and not without public rights, accepting the statutory objectives of the Association, including foreigners (domiciled in the Republic of Poland or elsewhere).
  2. Extraordinary members are admitted at the request of the Management Board pursuant to a resolution of the General Assembly of the Association adopted by a majority of 2/3 of votes in secret ballot, on the basis of a written membership declaration and presentation of the CV by the candidate. In the event of refusal to accept a new extraordinary member by the General Meeting, the candidate may reapply for admission to the Association at the earliest after one year.
  3. Ordinary members and senior members (persons over 70 years of age) are accepted at the request of the Management Board pursuant to a resolution of the General Meeting of the Association adopted by a majority of 2/3 of votes in a secret ballot, on the basis of a written membership declaration and presentation of a CV by a professional candidate. In the event of refusal to accept a new ordinary member by the General Meeting, the candidate may reapply for admission to the Association at the earliest after one year.
  4. An extraordinary member may obtain the status of an ordinary member after obtaining the certificate referred to in par. 8 points 2 at the request of the Management Board pursuant to the resolution of the General Assembly of the Association adopted by a majority of 2/3 of votes in secret ballot.
  5. The status of “senior” member is granted by the Management Board at the request of an ordinary member after she reaches the age of 70.
  6. The dignity of honorary member is granted at the request of the Association Board by the General Meeting by a 2/3 majority.
  7. Supporting members are accepted by the Management Board, by accepting supporting members the Management Board sets out the form of support that such member will provide to the Association.

Art. 10

Rights of members:

  1. Regular members have the right to:
    1. Elect and be elected for office in the Association.
    2. Participate with voting rights in General Assemblies.
    3. Submit requests and proposals concerning the activities of the Association.
    4. Take avail of the assistance of the Association.
  2. An extraordinary member has the right to:
    1. a. submit motions and postulates regarding the Association’s activities,
    2. b. use the help of the Association.
    3. c. an advisory vote at the General Meeting of Members
  3. Honorary members have the right to:
    1. Submit to the Board of Directors requests and proposals concerning the activities of the Association.
    2. Take avail of the assistance of the Association.
  4. A supporting member has the right to:
    1. submit motions and postulates regarding the Association’s activities,
    2. an advisory vote at the General Meeting of Members

Art. 11

Duties of members:

  1. Respecting the Bylaws and resolutions of the authorities of the Association, and paying membership dues.
  2. Compliance with the principles of professional ethics.
  3. Supporting members are obliged to fulfill the declared benefits.

Art. 12

“Senior” and honorary members shall be exempt from paying membership dues.

Art. 13

Membership in the Association may cease as a result of:

  1. A voluntary resignation presented in writing to the Board of Directors.
  2. Death of a member or loss of legal personality by a supporting member.
  3. Dropping from the list of members by at least a two-thirds majority vote of the General Assembly, due to non-compliance with the Association Bylaws or resolutions of the Board of Directors, preceded by a written reprimand, at the request of the Board of Directors or Ethics Committee of the Association.
  4. Not having paid dues, after two notifications.


Chapter 4

Authorities of the Association

Art. 14

The authorities of the Association shall consist of:

  1. The General Assembly of Regular Members of the Association.
  2. The Board of Directors.
  3. The Audit Committee.
  4. The Ethics Committee.

Art. 15

Members of the Association cannot simultaneously hold office on the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee of the Association.

Art. 16

Within the limitations set by Art. 15, members of the Association may combine office on the Board of Directors or the Audit Committee with an office on the Ethics Committee.

Art. 17

  1. The term of office of the authorities lasts three years, and their election takes place in an open ballot, unless a request for secret ballot is submitted; in this case, voting takes place in secret mode.
  2. Resolutions of the authorities shall be passed by a simple majority in the presence of at least half of the total number of officers, the chair of the meeting having a casting vote.

Art. 18

The highest authority of the Association shall be the General Assembly, which may be a regular or an extraordinary one.

Art. 19

A regular General Assembly shall be called by the Board of Directors once a year as a reporting one, and every three years as a reporting-electoral one. Notice about its time, place, and proposed agenda shall be sent out in writing to members not less than six weeks before the date of the General Assembly.

Art. 20

If at least half of the regular members of the Association are not present at the first due date of the General Assembly, then in the second due date resolutions may be passed by a simple majority of voting regular members.

The second due date should be specified in a notice about the General Assembly and cannot be designated earlier than half an hour after the first due date. However, this rule does not apply to a resolution regarding an amendment of the Bylaws or the dissolution of the Association.

In the event of an equal number of votes “for” and “against”, the vote of the General Meeting of Members decides the result of the vote.

Art. 21

The authority of the General Assembly shall include:

  1. Determining the main directions of the statutory and financial activities of the Association.
  2. Acceptance of ordinary, extraordinary and senior members to the Association.
  3. Passing resolutions, at the request of the Audit Committee, on discharge for the outgoing Board of Directors.
  4. Electing and dismissing the president and officers of the Board of Directors, and officers of the Audit Committee and Ethics Committee.
  5. Determining the amount of entry fee and membership dues.
  6. Granting honorary memberships.
  7. Passing resolutions about amendments to the Bylaws or the dissolution of the Association.
  8. Handling of appeals against resolutions of the Board of Directors.
  9. Establishing internal regulations.

Art. 22

An extraordinary General Assembly shall be called by the Board of Directors:

  1. On its initiative.
  2. Upon the request of the Audit Committee.
  3. Upon written request of at least one-third of regular members of the Association.
  4. No business shall be transacted at the extraordinary General Assembly except that for which it was called.

Art. 23

The Board of Directors shall be the highest authority of the Association in the periods between General Assemblies.

The Board of Directors of the Association shall consist of not less than three and not more than ten officers.

The Board of Directors includes the president, treasurer, and secretary.

Officers for the Board of Directors and the committees shall be elected by the General Assembly.

The Board of Directors selects a secretary and a treasurer from among its officers. The activities of the Board of Directors shall be managed by the president, who has a casting vote.

Art. 24

The authority of the Board of Directors shall include:

  1. Implementing the resolutions of the General Assembly.
  2. Managing current business and affairs of the Association.
  3. Representing the Association to third parties and acting on its behalf.
  4. Managing the assets of the Association within the powers granted by the General Assembly.
  5. Reporting on activities.
  6. Calling General Assemblies.
  7. Planning the activities of the Association.
  8. The Board of Directors shall hold meetings on the dates it determines, as the need for making appropriate decisions arises, but not less frequently than quarterly.
  9. If during the term of office, the number of officers of the Board of Directors decreases, the Board of Directors may co-opt new officers. The newly co-opted members of the Board have to be rectified by the next General Assembly.

Art. 25

  1. The Audit Committee shall consist of two or three officers who select a chairperson from their midst. The chairperson has a casting vote.
  2. The authority of the Audit Committee shall include:
  1. Inspecting the entire activity of the Association at least once a year.
  2. Approaching the Board of Directors with proposals resulting from the findings of the inspection, and requesting explanations.
  3. Requesting the calling of an extraordinary General Assembly.
  4. Submitting to the General Assembly reports on its activities and requests regarding discharge for the outgoing Board of Directors.
  1. In the event that the composition of the Audit Committee decreases during the term of office, the composition of the body may be supplemented by co-optation by other members of the body. No more than half of the composition of the body may be appointed under this procedure. Co-opted members must be approved by the next General Assembly of Members.

Art. 26

Officers of the Audit Committee have the right to participate in an advisory capacity in meetings of the Board of Directors.

Art. 27

The Ethics Committee shall consist of two or three officers. The Ethics Committee selects a chairperson and secretary from among its officers. The chairperson has a casting vote.

Art. 28

  1. The authority of the Ethics Committee shall include:
  1. Supervising the correctness of ethical principles in force in the Association.
  2. Assessment of compliance by the Association members with the Bylaws of the Association in the part concerning ethics.
  3. Formulating ethical recommendations for members of the Association.
  4. Submitting proposals to the General Assembly for amendments to the Bylaws, especially in the part concerning ethics.
  1. If the composition of the Ethics Committee decreases during the term of office, the composition of the body may be supplemented by co-optation by other members of the body. No more than half of the composition of the body may be appointed under this procedure. Co-opted members must be approved by the next General Assembly of Members.

Art. 29

The Ethics Committee shall meet with a frequency adequate to the number of cases examined, ensuring timely consideration thereof, but not less frequently than semi-annually.

Art. 30

Consideration of each case submitted to the Ethics Committee shall begin at the next meeting of the Ethics Committee and be completed within six months. If the deadline cannot be met, the Ethics Committee shall prepare for the Board of Directors a written report stating the reason for the delay.

Art. 31

A resolution on the adoption or amendment of the Association’s Code of Ethics is adopted by the General Meeting of Members by a 2/3 majority in the presence of at least half of the members entitled to vote.

Art. 32

If a member of the Association is found guilty of violating the rules of ethics, the Ethics Committee may send a written warning to him or submit an application to the General Assembly of Members for exclusion from the Association.


Chapter 5

The assets of the Association

Art. 33

  1. The assets of the Association shall include real estate, movables, and funds.
  2. Funds consist of:
  1. Income from membership dues.
  2. Donations, subsidies, grants, inheritances, bequests.
  3. Income from business activities conducted in accordance with relevant regulations.
  4. income from the assets of the Association,
  5. public sacrifice,
  6. subsidies,
  7. business income
  1. The association manages its finances in accordance with applicable regulations
  2. The Association may conduct business activity under the rules set out in separate regulations. Income from the economic activity of the Association serves only to achieve its statutory objectives and cannot be divided among its members.

Art. 34

Declarations of intent pertaining to assets of the Association shall be made jointly by two persons: the president together with the treasurer or an authorised officer from the Board of Directors.

The validity of other letters and documents requires the signatures of the president and the secretary of the Board of Directors.


Chapter 6

Amendments to the Bylaws and dissolution of the Association

Art. 35

A resolution on amendments to the Bylaws or on the dissolution of the Association shall be made by the General Assembly by a two-thirds majority in the presence of at least half of voting members.

In the event of dissolution of the Association, the General Assembly shall decide on the allocation of the assets of the Association. It will establish a Liquidation Committee that will carry out the liquidation of the Association.



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